Grameen Danone: a Social Business (with English subtitles)
- During his visit to Paris, France, in 2005, Professor Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank was invited by Franck Riboud, the chief executive officer of Groupe Danone (known as Dannon in the USA). On 12 October 2005, they met in La Fontaine Gaillon, a Parisian restaurant. There Yunus proposed to form a joint venture between Grameen and Danone with the objective of supplying nutritious food to poor children of Bangladesh. As proposed by Muhammad Yunus, Franck Riboud agreed to participate in...
- Reportage
- Auteur : M. Kubo
- Source : Grameen Danone: a Social Business (with English subtitles)
- Disponible sur :
- 4 Apr 2020
- Votes : 0 | Cotes : 0
- Hits : 7
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