Wolfgang Streeck: The International State System after Neoliberalism - YouTube
IWM Lectures in Human Sciences, June 5, 2019 ... Europe between National Democracy and Supranational Centralization I begin by recalling a short essay by Karl Polanyi, written in 1945, in which he discusses the prospects of a new, peaceful global order, based on the lessons of the war and the interwar period. In it Polanyi advocates an international regime beyond both Communist and neoliberal universalism that allows for national political-economic self-determination. Of particular importance he...
- Conference
- Auteur : IWMVienna
- Source : Wolfgang Streeck: The International State System after Neoliberalism - YouTube
- Disponible sur : (Anglais avec fonction sous-titrage)
- 18 May 2020
- Votes : 0 | Cotes : 0
- Hits : 1
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